Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Body Gem Metabolism Fitness Gadget

Losing weight can basically be achieved by consuming the correct calories for your size and weight combined with regular exercise that makes you gasp for breath and sweat heavily.
It seems like there are all sorts of non-scientific ways to estimate how many calories your body needs in a day – based on you size, weight, height multiplied by such and such, then divided by so and so…
But having this knowledge will really help you plan a weight loss program that works. The thing is everyone’s metabolism is a bit different, depending on muscle mass and lots of other factors, so you really can't get a good idea by using some formula. That's why I recommend the Body Gem.
All you do with this fitness gadget is breathe into it, it then measures the rate at which your body burns calories… wicked hey.
With this information you plan a weight loss and fitness program that makes sense and will crucially see results for all your efforts. Go to for a body gem.
If you’re looking for more information on fitness gadgets then you should take a look at but be aware many fitness gadgets rarely work better than regular exercise and a balanced diet – so do your homework first!

1 comment:

Unknown said...

good man .... keep it up...... :)